To all you ecologists and biologists out there,
I am starting this newsletter for a few reasons but principally because the coronavirus has moved many ecology seminars online and as an herpetologist turned IT professional with a full time job I was having a hard time keeping up with all the new online seminars springing up from museums, institutions, societies and academics from across the globe. I wanted to put all of these interesting seminars in one place and share it with other folks and that’s how this newsletter was born.
This newsletter aims to bring you a list of weekly seminars from a variety of subfields in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Many societal conferences have been cancelled because of coronavirus but some have switched to online and this newsletter will attempt to keep you up to date with these. While the main focus of the newsletter is online seminars I am also keen to include podcasts in EEB so these may also feature from time to time, maybe even weekly if there is a demand.
Finally, I am interested in publicising prospective talks from all manner of biologists but especially keen to increase the exposure of PhD Students and Early Career Researchers so if you fit this category and would like to do a talk get in touch!!
I will be sending out the newsletter once a week on a Monday.
The first weekly newsletter will drop in a few days time. Stay tuned and meantime forward this to your friends so they can sign up!!