Online Ecology Conferences
Young Systematists Forum

Date: 23rd - 24th November
Abstract Deadline: October 16th
Conference Theme
The annual Young Systematists’ Forum represents an exciting setting for postgraduate students and early postdoctoral researchers to present their work, often for the first time, to a scientific audience interested in taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics. This well-established event provides an opportunity for budding systematists to discuss their research in front of their peers within a supportive environment. Supervisors and other established systematists are also encouraged to attend.
To make the most of the possibilities of a virtual conference (and avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’) this year the Young Systematists’ Forum will run over two days, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th November 2020. As we are aiming to bring together as many people from across the world as possible we will have an afternoon (UK time) session on Monday and a morning session on Tuesday. This will allow as many young systematists from other time zones as possible to join, at least for one of the sessions.
We encourage non-presenting researchers and students at all academic levels to attend, however we only accept presentations from junior researchers (i.e. students and postdoctoral researchers). Space for presenters will be allocated subject to availability and aiming for a balanced programme of talks.
Prizes are awarded for the most promising oral and poster presentations as judged by a small panel during the conference.
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) Winter 2020

Date: December 3rd - 4th
Abstract Deadline: October 9th
Conference Theme
This year’s ASAB Winter Meeting will now be held virtually on 3-4 December 2020!
The meeting will not have a specific theme, but instead it will provide an opportunity particularly targeted at students and ECRs to present their work on any aspect of animal behaviour research. We are aware that opportunities to showcase findings and establish professional networks is critical for such researchers we wish to make up for the cancelled Easter 2020 meeting where ASAB traditionally supports such work.
The meeting will include a series of plenary speakers from across the field of animal behaviour, including the various award winners and invited plenaries whose talks have been disrupted by cancelled events. There will be a series of submitted talks and a virtual poster session where delegates can chat with presenters. There will be a series of professional development events including a meeting with the ASAB Grants Secretary to discuss how to obtain research funding and mentoring opportunities. We will facilitate micro-seminars in which delegates can meet with fellow researchers in their particular fields and discuss shared interests. We will also be running a few social events (with an animal theme of course) that you’re welcome to join in with.
Forests & Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement (FLARE) Network Twitter Conference 2020

Abstract Deadline: October 5th
Conference Theme
“Reimagining Forests and Livelihoods in Turbulent Times”
1. Anti-racism and environmental justice
2. Covid-19, infectious disease, and human health
3. Poverty/prosperity
4. Social transformations, forests, and livelihoods
5. Climate action
BeeCon 2020

Date: October 16th
Abstract Deadline: October 4th
Conference Theme
BeeCon is an annual free symposium, organized by YorkU's BEEc research group, for local and international melittologists (bee biologists) to present and discuss their work on a wide range of bee-related topics, including behaviour, genetics and genomics, ecology, and conservation.
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi Virtual Symposium

Date: 13 - 15 October
Conference Theme
In conjunction with the publication of a groundbreaking report, scientists, policymakers, businesses, NGOs, the public and media will come together online for the first international State of the World's symposium combining both plants and fungi. This online symposium brings together experts to discuss findings presented in the report and to motivate actions for protecting and sustainably using the world’s plant and fungal diversity. The outcomes of the discussions will be used to inform policies and research aimed at exploring and sharing knowledge and benefits associated with plants and fungi around the world.
Presenting a Virtual Poster or Presentation?
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