Online Ecology Conferences
BES Aquatic Ecology Group Virtual Meeting 2020
Date: September 9th-11th
Conference Link/Submit Abstract
Abstract Deadline: July 20th
Registration Deadline: August 14th
Conference Theme
The coronavirus pandemic is among the most severe global issues that humanity has faced and innovative solutions for tracking, tracing, and controlling the speed of the virus are urgently required. Furthermore, the impact of worldwide lockdown measures and associated reductions in anthropogenic activity on biodiversity and the environment is unknown.
At this event, we will hear from aquatic ecology researchers that are utilising ground-breaking techniques to address these research gaps. Our keynote speakers have expertise across and beyond aquatic realms. These world-leading aquatic ecologists will discuss their recent findings and priorities for future research which will, as always, spark interesting discussions. Students and ECRs will have the opportunity to present their research through Twitter, join practical or Q&A sessions on R, and network with their peers. All workshops, talks, and discussion are spread over 3 days with plenty of breaks.
Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science and Open Science in Aquatic Research
Date: July 23rd-24th
Registration Deadline: July 22nd
Conference Theme
We are excited to announce the "Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science and Open Science in Aquatic Research"! We will host 10 minute talks from 18 presenters with Live Q&A sessions. The summit is intended to bring together diverse, energetic folks who are passionate to share how they bring data science and open science into their research. By bringing together speakers who practice data science and open science techniques, this virtual summit is intended to discuss how limnologists and oceanographers (1) work with big data, (2) develop new modeling frameworks, (3) develop tools and software for the larger community, and (4) apply their work for natural resource management and monitoring purposes.
Plant Biology 2020
Date: July 27th-31st
Abstract Deadline: July 12th
Conference Theme
Sign-on, and get a ringside seat to some of the world’s best plant science research, often facilitated by cutting-edge technologies. That this meeting could happen at all is itself a triumph of technology. Much of this technology will continue to be explored in future ASPB conferences, expanding the traditional limits of communication, collaboration, and networking and making the research presented during these meetings available to the plant science community all over the world.
At the same time, it is our intention to ensure that the human element is not left behind. We have provided ample opportunities for networking and discussion in the schedule. And we expect that these interactions will continue long after PB 2020 is over, because will need to rely on each other as the world recovers from the current pandemic and forges a more sustainable and inclusive society in which science can thrive. Everyone will have a role to play.
Workshop of Community Ecology
Date: August 31st-September 5th
Registration Deadline: 20th July
Conference Theme
The Workshop's proposal is to discuss the main theories in Community Ecology, evaluating how different combinations of mechanisms and processes create and maintain biological communities. The Workshop will include: (i) lectures and discussions on theories, from those that supported the conceptual and theoretical development of studies in community ecology to the most recent theories, (ii) presentations of projects and lines of research by different researchers, and (iii) final work for students enrolled in the discipline.