Online Ecology Conferences
This course is intended for learners who have little or no experience with R but who are looking for an introduction to this tool. By the end of this course, students will be able to import data into R, manipulate that data using tools from the popular tidyverse package, and make simple reports using R Markdown. The course is designed for students with good basic computing skills, but limited if any experience with programming.
IOP Publishing Environmental Research 2021
Date: November 15th - 19th
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 29th
Conference Theme
Environmental Research 2021 takes place at a critical time as the world tries to find global solutions to issues aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It will be one of the first major international scientific events taking place after COP26, providing the perfect platform to discuss key aspects from the world leaders’ talks.
You can join live-streamed presentations from diverse voices, topical panel discussions, poster sessions and interactive networking opportunities. Environmental Research 2021 will unite a broad cross-section of communities – environmental and social scientists, engineers and policy influencers – at all career stages.
The scientific programme has been designed around five core themes of:
1. Climate science
2. Energy
3. Infrastructure and sustainability
4. Environmental and global health
5. Ecology and biodiversity
Coastal Wetlands Twitter Conference
Date: October 26th - 27th
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 26th
Submit Abstract/Conference Link
Conference Theme
The Global Wetlands Project will be hosting the inaugural Coastal Wetlands Twitter Conference on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October 2021.
The #CWTC21 conference will be held completely on Twitter – if you have internet access you are able to participate in the conference.
Expression of interest for presenters is now open. A conference schedule will be released in early October. Each presenter will have ten minutes to deliver their presentation via five tweets. Participants can interact with presenters’ tweets and with each other too.
The Twitter conference provides the opportunity for students, scientists, coastal wetland managers and policy-makers to come together and share their research and experiences of coastal wetlands on an international stage.
4th Croatian Symposium on Invasive Species
Date: November 29th - 30th
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 19th
Conference Theme
We continue with the main idea from the 1st Symposium, to gather experts dealing with as many different aspects of invasive species as possible. The duration of the Symposium will be two days, and time of year remained the same as at previous Symposia, enabling presentation of the most recent collected data. We are planning to have good “old-fashioned” meeting in person, but given the Covid-19 circumstances at the time of Symposium, we will enable hybrid meeting combining on-site and on-line participation, if needed.
Bird Numbers 2022 (In Person)
Date: April 4th - 8th
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 30th
Conference Theme
EBCC conferences are held every three years, bringing together people involved in bird monitoring, research and conservation across Europe and beyond. One year after the publication of the European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 book and following the online version of the maps planned for the end of 2021, there will be a strong focus on topics following up on EBBA2, be it the use for conservation, research, national atlases and monitoring programmes. We also welcome contributions in any topics related to EBCC work, including specific monitoring programmes, studies of causes of population change, demography or distribution in European birds, studies of the effectiveness of conservation action and the impact of government policies, new technologies, methods or analytical techniques, the use of birds as indicators, and the development of citizen science projects.
We are sure that this will be another successful and inspiring EBCC conference and look forward to welcoming you in Lucerne.
17th International Elephant Conservation and Research Symposium
Date: November 15th - 21st
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 1st
Conference Theme
The pressures on wild populations of elephants are increasing at an alarming rate. Wildlife habitat continues to shrink while human-elephant conflict increases. Conservationists and researchers around the world strive to protect the remaining animals and habitat. We invite global elephant conservationists and researchers to present conservation projects and research outcomes, new technologies in field conservation and conflict mitigation, studies in disease, reproduction and behavior, and other issues that impact the long-term survival of African and Asian elephants.