Online Ecology Conferences
R has become an extremely powerful and flexible platform for making figures, tables, and reproducible reports. However, R can be intimidating for first time users, and there are so many resources online that it can be difficult to sort through without guidance. To fill that need, this course is intended for learners who have little or no experience with R but who are looking for an introduction to this tool.
By the end of this course, students will be able to import data into R, manipulate that data using tools from the popular tidyverse package, and make simple reports using R Markdown. The course is designed for students with good basic computing skills, but limited if any experience with programming.
EEB University of Michigan 16th Annual Early Career Scientists Symposium
Date: March 5th - April 2nd
Conference Theme
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan is pleased to present Natural History Collections: Drivers of Innovation, an exciting virtual symposium about innovative and unconventional uses of biological collections across scientific disciplines. The symposium will take place on five consecutive Fridays from March 5 – April 2, 2021. The SCHEDULE is online. While the symposium presents the work of rising early career scientists, it is open to all (i.e., you don’t have to be in your early career to attend).
When biologists think of natural history collections, most tend to think of taxonomy and systematics, yet many are unaware of the uses of biological collections beyond those traditional fields. These studies span the breadth of the tree of life and address broad subjects that span comparative genomics to bioengineering and climate change to historical pathogen dynamics, among many, many more. As stewards of one of the largest university-based biological collections in the world, we are in an extraordinary position to leverage our holdings of biological material from the last century or more. We envision this symposium as a way to showcase the often-unrealized opportunities and non-traditional avenues of research that our collections make possible to the entire scientific community, and emphasize some of the interdisciplinary ways in which our collections are being or could be used. We hope to foster a broader understanding and expanded use of an incomparable resource that the University of Michigan has cultivated for the past two hundred years.
The symposium will feature both established and novel uses of natural history collections across a wide range of taxonomic groups, systems, and time. Our goal is to create a program with contributions from all corners of ecology and evolutionary biology. The program will include two keynote talks by senior speakers and additional talks by early-career speakers. Read more about the SPEAKERS and their TALKS.
Central Ecology and Evolution Conference 2021
Date: April 9th - 10th
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 8th
Conference Theme
CEEC 2021 will be hosted online by the students at Oklahoma State University. At the third CEEC, we will continue as a conference for students by students. Our goal is to provide a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to present their research in ecology and evolution by offering a low-stress and pressure-free venue for students to share their ideas and work.
We welcome presentations on all fields related to ecology and evolution from undergraduate and graduate students and those who have graduated within the last year. In addition to more traditional research presentation topics, students are welcome to present research proposals, hypotheses, and preliminary results. All presenters will have the option to request written feedback from the audience. This year we will be accepting submissions for 5 (in lieu of posters) and 15-minute talks.
Conservation Career Kick-Starter | Online course
The Conservation Career Kick-Starter is designed to help you get clear, get ready, and get hired in the conservation sector. Through the course you’ll create a personal career plan for starting work as a professional wildlife conservationist.
You’ll be guided by the experts at Conservation Careers and learn how the jobs in the sector, which one is right for you, what education and experience you need, how to apply and, how to get hired at interviews.
It will give you confidence in your job hunt and will make everything quicker, simpler and more fun!
The Conservation Career Kick-Starter includes:
Support from Conservation Careers via email, Zoom and in a private Facebook group.
3 Step-by-Step Modules organised into 17 Units to do at your own pace.
Be part of a community of course-mates from across the globe to share ideas, ask questions and support one another.
A workbook guiding you through a series of practical tasks, capturing all your learning, ‘ah-ha’ moments and key next steps.
You also get a year’s enrolment into the Conservation Careers Academy, which gives you access to around 10,000 conservation jobs each year plus lots more.
Everyone who completes the course receives a certificate.
Sustainable Agriculture Special Interest Group Conference: Insect conservation on farmland
Date: May 12th
Conference Theme
The aims of the meeting are to bring together the latest advances in insect conservation on farmland. Topics of interest could include measures to support beneficial insects for IPM, development of options for ELMs and role of soil tillage in invertebrate conservation. Other topics are welcome but not pollinator research as this is covered by the Insect Pollination SIG.
Offers of full and short presentations are possible. Full presentations would be of 15 minutes duration including questions whilst short presentations would be of a rapid-fire type (5 minutes maximum) instead of posters. There will also be discussion time at the end of each session with further opportunities to ask questions.
Please send your talk title, authors, presentation type (short/long) and a brief description of the likely contents for consideration to by 1 March 2021.
Bird monitoring in India Symposium
Date: March 26th - 27th
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 21st
Conference Theme
Long term studies are crucial to understanding the status of bird species and populations. In India, several organisations, individual researchers and citizen scientists have been working on systematic record-keeping and monitoring in different parts of the country. This symposium is a virtual meeting to bring together people involved in such efforts. The symposium aims to bring researchers, citizen scientists and others together to facilitate conversations about bird monitoring. If you are involved in long-term monitoring of birds in India, or are thinking of starting a project along these lines, this Symposium is for you! Come to see 15+ invited talks, contribute your work through a poster presentation and participate in discussions!
National Bat Conference 2021
Date: September 5th - 6th
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1st
Conference Theme
The National Bat Conference is the biggest event in the bat calendar - a weekend of exciting talks, workshops and networking. The conference is an opportunity to learn about the new discoveries in the world of bat conservation, catch up with old friends and meet new ones.
The Programme Selection Team would like to invite the submission of abstracts, particularly around the following themes:
Bats, ecosystem services and natural capital
Bats, communities and wellbeing
Quantitative evidence of successful conservation action for bats
Habitat use and landscape-scale management for bats
Bats, planning and mitigation
Bats, conservation and technology
Bat ecology and behaviour