Online Ecology Conferences
Machine Learning for Biodiversity
Date: August 30th
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 15th
Conference Theme
The Quantitative & Computational Ecology group at Université de Montréal, in partnership with the Instituto Humboldt, the Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science, and the viral emergence research initiative, are organizing a one-day virtual symposium, to take place on August 30, 2021. Our goal is to bring together graduate students, post-doctoral scientists, and practitioners, to talk about the way they use machine learning for biodiversity study, monitoring, management, and conservation.
Society for Conservation GIS 24th Annual International Conference
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 18th
In light of the ongoing pandemic and the value of connecting our community across continents, the Conference will once again be virtual. It will consist of a series of online sessions between July 19th and August 6th. Conference registration will be free to all who wish to attend, and we strongly encourage all attendees to join SCGIS if not already a member.
What conservation GIS stories have you been exploring recently? Our annual conference is the perfect place to share your work and experience with your colleagues. We invite you all to submit abstracts on a wide range of topics pertaining to conservation GIS.
Anthropology and Conservation Virtual Conference
Date: October 25th - 29th
Paper Submission Deadline: July 2nd
Conference Theme
We are very pleased to announce the call for panel proposals for a major interdisciplinary conference on Anthropology and Conservation. The aim of the conference is simple: it is increasingly recognised that conservation can only be properly achieved with Indigenous Peoples, in full recognition of their rights. It is therefore urgent that we develop cross-disciplinary understanding not just of conservation, but also of the way that conservation and people go together. Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge
Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Areas and Territories
Sovereignty and inequality
Plants, peoples and conservation
Wildlife conservation: the influence of people on wildlife, and wildlife on people
Private sector initiatives and Indigenous Peoples' Rights
Human/Wildlife conflicts and resolutions
Conservation areas and built heritage
Scale and success: what works best?
Impacts of deforestation on plants animals and communities
NGOs, and the implementation of international treaties and agreements
Impacts of foreign aid: Environmental impact assessments, and social impact assessments
DNA, microbial restoration and conservation
Marine conservation
Multi-species ethnography
The history of conservation and anthropology initiatives
New Economic Models, climate change and conservation
32nd European Congress of Arachnology 2021
Date: August 23rd - 25th
Keynote Submission Deadline: June 15th
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 11th
Conference Theme
Dear Arachnologists and friends of the European Society of Arachnology,
The virtual meeting will focus on the early career researchers who had few opportunities to present their work for more than a year due to the pandemic. Therefore, early career researchers are given preference for short talks and posters. Instead of plenaries given by senior researchers, there will be three keynote talks for early career postdocs by which they will have the opportunity to present themselves and their work.