Online Ecology Conferences
This Specialization is intended for learners seeking to develop the ability to visualize data using R. Through five courses, you will use R to create static and interactive data visualizations and publish them on the web, which will you prepare you to provide insight to many types of audiences.
Global Biodiversity Conservation Conference
Date: November 10th - 12th
Poster Abstract Submission: August 31st
Conference Theme
The 6th Global Biodiversity Conservation Conference will traditionally connect exact science with non-profit activism, the business sector, and government agencies.
We now have the opportunity to look back at the year 2020 as a model “moment” for the current biodiversity crisis from a science and nature conservation perspective, to characterize the specific factors behind the current challenges of the global ecosystem, and to present possible solutions and perspectives for the future. Will we learn from the mistakes of our current civilization toward the third decade of the 21st century?
International Conference on Ecological Informatics
Date: November 9th - 13th
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 25th
Conference Theme
International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ICEI) is a biennial forum that brings together interdisciplinary ecological researchers from all over the world to present their scientific works, deliberate upon ideas and build networks. The 10th ICEI was held in 2018 at the Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany .
With an overarching conference objective Integrating ecology, technology, and society for transformative changes towards sustainability, ICEI 2020+1 is designed to accommodate all novel concepts and techniques for efficient utilization of ecological data and knowledge by means of the state of the art data collection, computing, and connecting technologies.
Selected abstracts will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of Ecological Informatics
International Conference on Cold Winter Deserts in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Date: December TBC
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 15th
Submit Abstract/Registration/Conference Link
Conference Theme
The cold winter – also referred to as temperate – deserts are nature regions featuring unique ecosystems and species, spreading from northern Iran across Central Asia to Mongolia. Despite their ecological importance, temperate deserts are, according to a study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), one of the least recognized biomes worldwide.
95% of the temperate deserts are located in Central Asia – hence this region carries a high responsibility for the preservation of this biome. Against this background, the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) aims at preserving biological diversity and the conservation and sustainable use of cold winter deserts in Central Asia.
Successful applicants will have an opportunity to present their research paper during the Conference or display their research outcomes at the poster session organized within the CWD Conference in December 2021. Selected abstracts will be published as a collection, and full papers be included in conference proceedings.
Animal-Computer Interaction International Conference
Date: November 9th - 11th
Poster Submission Deadline: August 12th
Conference Theme
This year's conference theme is Finding Normalcy. The theme acknowledges the extraordinary times the world has been living since the beginning of 2020 and all the challenges of the difficult circumstances we have experienced but also the things we have learnt. Submissions might address topics such as: how to conduct ACI research during a pandemic; the role of animals as companions and emotional support during social isolation; caring for animals in animal facilities under restrictions; relocating and rehabilitating animals during a crisis; or developing more respectful and empathetic relations with animals for a healthier and more sustainable multispecies cohabitation. Submissions that relate to this year's conference theme are especially welcome, but high-quality submissions are also welcome.