Online Ecology Seminars 24th August - 30th August
Subfields/Topics in this edition:
Ecology (Inequalities in the world of urban ecosystems, Thermal Choices of Individual Animals Scale to Influence Global Macroecological Patterns)
Behavioural Ecology (Selective Forces Shaping the Evolution of Intelligence)
Evolutionary Biology (How Selection in Extreme Environments Leads to Predictable Evolutionary Outcomes, Tail Length Evolution in Deer Mice, Gene Regulation and Whole Genome Duplication in Salmonids, Darwin comes to Town: evolution in Urban environments)
Conservation Biology (Enhancing Conservation of river dolphins through Sub-Regional Cooperation, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Reconstructing Historical Mangrove Distribution in the Philippines, Role of Communication in Nature Conservation)
Herpetology (Venoms and Cancer, A Komodo dragon’s island life, Herpers in Your House)
Entomology (Caterpillar Adaptations and Ecology)
Topics in Academia (Principles of Data Visualisation, Communicating Tropical Biology and Conservation to Broad Audiences)