Online Ecology Seminars August 2nd - 5th
Biology Meets Programming
Are you interested in learning how to program (in Python) within a scientific setting?
This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python. It offers a gently-paced introduction to our Bioinformatics Specialization, preparing learners to take the first course in the Specialization, "Finding Hidden Messages in DNA".
Do you have open slots for seminar speakers?
Do you have a presentation you are giving that we could list?
Let us know by replying to this email ahead of time we will publicise seminar slots/include your presentation!
Let us know by replying to this email and we will provide more information!

.@monmouthu's @DuntonLab will present "Biology of Prohibited Coastal Sharks of New Jersey" as a part of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s Marine Extension Program Seminar Series on 8/2. Register for this free talk at…
#sharks #SharkFest #njenviro

TOMORROW 5PM WEBINAR - Professor Bill Adams will take us through his new book "Strange Natures: Conservation in the Era of Synthetic Biology".
All are welcome!
Get your free ticket here:

Do not miss BirdLife South Africa's Conservation Conversation webinar on Tue night. Rick Nuttall, one of SA's top ornithologists & an excellent birder, will be speaker about "Birding in Golden Gate Highlands National Park". Register at… @BirdLife_SA

@duanbiggs of GU presents tomorrow's @UQ_CBCS Tuesday seminar - on the topical role of conservation science and scientists in a COVID-19 world. Morning tea 10:30am, seminar 11am AEST on the same Zoom call. Visit for details.

On 4 Aug (08:00GMT) @CoghSimon & @acardilini presents "A critical review of the compassionate conservation debate" as part of the @Society4ConBio Emerging Issues in Conservation seminar series. FREE & open to all. Register:…