Online Ecology Seminars August 31st - September 4th
Do you have open slots for seminar speakers?
Do you have a presentation you are giving that we could list?
Let us know by replying to this email ahead of time we will publicise seminar slots/include your presentation!
Let us know by replying to this email and we will provide more information!
Take your R Shiny app to the next level!
Next webinar will be on Aug. 31 with Ben Toh (Northwestern University). Check out the R Shiny Seminar Series:…
This event is supported by Ecological Forecasting Initiative and Statistical Ecology section of ESA.
Interested in #bats and #megaherbivores in the world's oldest #desert? Tune into Wednesday's @Society4ConBio Emerging Issues in Conservation Seminar series where I'll be summarizing our recent @ConBiology paper. Sept. 1 at 17:00 GMT/1pm Eastern. Register:
Want to know a bit more about why good data management and #dataviz are important to the #conservation work we do? Tune into this @tableau webinar next week, where I’ll show what this means in the context of #kakapo and #takahe.…
The lineup for the IIDS Fall 2021 #Seminar Series has been announced. Join us on Thursdays for talks on the evolution of scorpions, public health applications of epidemiology and phylogenetics, and more.
See the schedule:…
Please join us this Thursday, Sep. 2nd at 4pm CT for our first LEC & EEPB Seminar of Fall 2021! Featuring @andrew_kaul on restoration ecology in tallgrass prairies.
Live stream:
Full schedule:
Can you believe we’re only two weeks away from kicking off our first webinar for the 24th Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar?
Join us Thursday 2 September to hear from:
* Dr Angie Haslem- La Trobe University
* Dr Elia Pirtle- Victorian Volcanic Plains Biosphere
Hi everyone. Our next departmental seminar is this Friday, September 3rd at 3:00 pm on Zoom. The seminar is entitled "A Top Predator in Hot Water: Effects of a Marine Heatwave on the Northern Elephant Seal." The seminar will be presented by Dr. Holser, a Postdoctoral Researcher