Online Ecology Seminars May 11th - 14th
Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners
Are you interested in learning how to program (in Python) within a scientific setting? This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python.
Do you have open slots for seminar speakers?
Do you have a presentation you are giving that we could list?
Let us know by replying to this email ahead of time we will publicise seminar slots/include your presentation!

Do not miss the summer seminar series on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services hosted by our group @ZooBiodiv at the Institute of Geobotany.
PM us for the webinar link!

Join us to learn about how you can use #environmentalDNA to map wildlife #biodiversity in and around waterways - including, a 101 introduction to what it’s all about and how you can apply these #eDNA methods 🧬

Tune into BirdLife South Africa's Conservation Conversations webinar at 19h00 on Tuesday 11 May. Dr Gabriel Jamie will talk about the diverse strategies developed by Africa’s brood parasites to trick and exploit their hosts. There's more information at…

Interested in learning more about how & why the #EU should protect mako #sharks? 🦈🦈🦈
Join @FGuerreiroMEP @prowildlife @sharkproject & @HSIEurope on Tuesday 11th May at 3pm CET for a webinar on the issue. Register here:… #ICCAT #EUBiodiversity

Our next speaker is Barbara Taborsky from University of Bern.
She will give a talk about plastic social phenotypes in In cooperatively breeding cichlids.
See you on YouTube tomorrow!…

Pleased to host a seminar by @HelgeBruelheide at UFRGS on Tuesday May 11 at 9:00 BRT.
Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide - Mechanisms driving biodiversity-ecosystem f... via @YouTube

Interested in #birdmigration and #conservation of East Asian #landbirds? Join our webinar hosted by @BirdLife_News:… #ornithology

This interactive webinar outlines common mental health challenges of STEMM graduate students and provides strategies for managing them. May 12 Register…

#UrbanForests are a critical resource for birds. Learn how decades of @iTreeTools data provide new insights into how urban forests influence bird biodiversity.
See how everyday decisions benefit birds.
Join the @usfs_r9 webinar
May 12 | 1:00 pm ET

Dear all,
It is with great pleasure that we are inviting you in our next seminar series. It will take a place on this coming Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 3PM (CAT). We will be honored to have Dr. Laure Rurangwa. We shall all meet via

The last talk of the @evoltreeNW Online Seminar Series on "Adaptation to Climate Change" will be given by @spalumbi next Wednesday. He will talk about climate adaptation in the ocean. Register now to join our zoom room!…