Online Ecology Seminars September 15th - 20th
Subfields/Topics in this edition:
Herpetology (Insight to the social behaviour of water dragons, Snake Research and Conservation on The Bahamas, Conserving adders)
PhD Exit Seminar (The age old question: Insights from the superb fairy-wren)
Ornithology (Ageing and infidelity in the Seychelles warbler, Crane conservation threats, Optimal flight and migration strategies in birds)
Entomology (Insect breeding and agriculture in Rwanda, Monarch Butterfly Conservation in the Midwest)
Evolutionary Biology (Climate adaptation and speciation, Island Evolution and Island Systems)
Evolutionary Biogeography Symposium (First across the line: elucidating the deeper history trans-Wallacean diversity, The Sunda-Sahul Floristic Exchange through space and time, Continental-scale phylogenomics unravels the complex biogeography of Australo-Papuan rodents, Biotic interactions through time, History and ecology: the diversification and biogeography of the Australian plant genus Hakea, Biogeography of thermal tolerance in plants)
Marine Biology (Releasing the genetic potential of aquaculture species - what role for genomics?, A roadmap for Marine Biodiversity Conservation in the age of Covid-19)
Conservation (Island Restoration, Conservation in Madagascar)
Topics in Academia (Benefits of Open Access)
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