Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023
You wish to present your recent wildlife conservation research? You would like to meet and (re-)connect with colleagues from around the globe? This is your chance: The deadline for abstract submission and early bird registration for the international conference Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023 has been extended to 20th June 2023!
Register now to get the early bird price:
The conference is jointly organized by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) and the WWF Germany.
Wildlife Research and Conservation (WRC) 2023
When: 9th September (Saturday) – 11th September (Monday) 2023
Where: Henry Ford Building, Garystr. 35, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Berlin is waiting for you. Come and join us for the first WRC since 2019. Let’s meet in person, hear about cutting edge research projects from renowned scientists from many different countries, share thoughts and get to know each other.
To register for the conference, satellite workshops and to submit your abstract please click here.
You can submit abstracts for oral presentations, posters and for the science slam. The same topic can only be presented either as a poster or as an oral presentation. However, you are welcome to present the same topic as a poster / talk and also as a science slam talk.
New deadline for abstract submission and early bird registration:
Tuesday, 20th June 2023 midnight CEST.
To receive regular updates about the conference and other events by the IZW, subscribe to our event newsletter and visit our conference website, pass it on to your colleagues and share within your networks.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/leibnizizw
Twitter https://twitter.com/IZWberlin
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leibnizizw/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@izwberlin
Call for contributions
Contributions for oral and poster presentations of the following topics are welcome:
Conservation genetics and genomics of wildlife
Population sustainability
Ethical aspects in conservation research
Demographic resilience
Use of artificial intelligence in conservation research
Other topics (behaviour, ecology, physiology, conservation, etc.)
Contributions for our wildlife science slam:
Additionally, we welcome contributions from all fields of behaviour, ecology, physiology, conservation and conservation genetics for our science slam.
Science slams can be understood as an instrument of science communication. Scientists hence can present their research in an innovative, entertaining way that is easy to follow.
Get creative! Your presentation should be descriptive and easy to understand. The audience, especially those not familiar with the subject, will get an exclusive and comprehensible insight into your research project and results.
Your science slam presentation should not exceed 5-8 minutes (depending on the number of talks). Use of props is allowed and you might add a little twist to your presentation. Make it fresh, make it clear - You are welcome to make it fun as well.
The audience will rate your slam and choose a winner!
Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023 will be conducted as a live and in-person event. Submitted contributions have to be presented on site.
For more information on the programme check out our web page.
Please read our abstract guidelines (pdf) before submitting your contribution and download the abstract template here (docx).
Registration fees
Early registration fee, regular: 295 Euro (until 20th June 2023)
Early registration fee, reduced: 175 Euro* (until 20th June 2023)
Late registration fee, regular: 375 Euro
Late registration fee, reduced: 235 Euro*
*The reduced rate applies to participants resident in and affiliated with organisations of non-high-income countries (see World Bank classification) and for students of any country.
The registration fee covers participation in all three conference days including coffee and lunch breaks as well as the wildlife science slam & poster pasta evening. Additionally, the fee includes public transport in Berlin for 4 days (8th - 11th September 2023)! You will receive your ticket available for download and printing before the conference, so you are ready to use all public transport (bus, subway, urban railway, regional train, tram and ferry) upon arrival in Berlin.
The conference banquet is not included in the registration fee. Tickets can be booked upon registration for the conference. You are welcome to also book a ticket for an accompanying person for the banquet. We also offer the option to book tickets for the science slam and poster pasta evening for accompanying persons.
Click here to register for the conference.
Plenary speakers
We are excited to announce the following plenary speakers:
Marlène Gamelon: Demographic resilience: Can natural populations be resilient to environmental changes and harvesting?
Mirte Bosse: Population sustainability
José A. Godoy: Conservation genetics and genomics of wildlife: The role of genomics in the conservation success story of the iconic Iberian lynx
Jenny Anne Glikman: Human-wildlife interactions: Conflict and coexistence
Maneesha Deckha: Ethical aspects in conservation research: Assisted reproduction to avoid species extinction: When is it ethical for individual animals?
For more information on our plenary speakers and the programme check out our web page.
Satellite workshops
Apart from the main conference programme, two hands-on workshops will be given on 8th September 2023, organised by scientists of the Leibniz-IZW:
Workshop on structural equation modeling (SEMs)
Bioinformatics workshop: Genome analysis methods useful for species conservation studies
Both workshops will take place at the Leibniz-Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Alfred-Kowalke-Str. 17, 10315 Berlin.
Please note that you can only attend one of the workshops, if you register for the conference. Places are limited.
Check out our web page for contents and further information.
Sponsoring opportunities
We would be delighted to welcome your company as sponsor of Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023! Please have a look at our sponsoring opportunities (pdf) and do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Any kind of sponsoring including your own ideas is welcome.
WRC 2023 is jointly organised by the Leibniz-IZW, the EAZA and the WWF; it is the successor of the International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife.
Please circulate information about Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023. Many thanks!
We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin!
The WRC 2023 conference team
Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023
9th - 11th September 2023
Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: symposium@izw-berlin.de
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW)
of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Alfred-Kowalke-Str. 17
10315 Berlin